This cake is too beautiful to forget. Who loved watching Kirsten Tibballs the Queen of Chocolate making this beauty at the Cake Bake & Sweets Show’s Super Theatre? The amazing Kirsten Tibballs shared this recipe with us. Cannot wait for you to try this masterpiece at home. If you do, make sure you send us a photo.

ALYSSA, An entremet that looks too good to eat, but you will be glad you did! Layers of chocolate cake, vanilla cream studded with peanut brittle, and caramel encased in a vanilla bavaroise and finished with a pretty pink glaze. Sitting on top of a flower sable shortbread, the entremet is garnished with delicate white chocolate petals and pink stamens.

Guide To Assemble
Sable Shortbread
- 110g unsalted butter, softened
- 65g pure icing sugar
- 30g almond meal
- 5g Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
- 2g Maldon Sea Salt
- 50g whole egg
- 250g plain flour
- stand mixer
- rolling pin
- paring knife
- perforated baking tray
- Silpain Baking Mat
To create the flower template, trace a ring, 180mm in diameter,
then use a ring, 140mm in diameter, to create 5 petals around
the 180mm circle. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the softened butter, icing sugar, almond meal and vanil-la. Add the salt, followed by the egg then flour and mix until the ingredients just come together as a dough. Press the dough into
a flat square, wrap in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for
a minimum of 1 hour. Heat the oven to 170°C, fan forced. On a lightly floured work-bench, roll the dough to 4mm in thickness. Use the prepared template to cut out the flower base. Transfer to a perforated
tray lined with a Silpain baking mat and bake in the pre-heated
oven for approximately 15 minutes, until golden. Allow to cool at
room temperature.
- vegetable oil spray, for greasing
- 200g plain flour
- 45g Callebaut Cocoa Powder
- 6g bi-carbonate soda
- 2g baking powder
- 5g Maldon Sea Salt
- 50g coconut oil
- 200g caster sugar
- 5g Heilala Vanilla Paste
- 5g orange zest
- 50g whole egg
- 155g buttermilk
- 155g hot water
- 2 x entremet rings, 160mm D x 45mm H
- aluminium baking tray
- sieve
- stand mixer
- spatula
- serrated knife
- 2 x entremet rings, 160mm D x 45mm H
Heat the oven to 170°C, fan forced. Grease and line the rings
then wrap the bases with baking paper and aluminium foil and
transfer onto a baking tray. In a large bowl, sieve the flour,
cocoa powder, bi-carbonate soda, baking powder and salt then
mix to combine. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle
attachment, beat the coconut oil, sugar, vanilla and orange
zest until smooth. Add the egg and buttermilk and continue to
mix for 1 minute. Remove from the mixer and fold through the
dry ingredients. Add the hot water and mix to combine. Divide
the mixture evenly between the 2 prepared rings. Bake in the
pre-heated oven for approximately 25 minutes. Insert a skewer
into the centre of the cake, if it comes out clean, it is ready to
come out of the oven. Remove the cakes from the rings and
allow to cool at room temperature. Once completely cool, trim
the top off the cakes so that they are 20mm in height. Trim
the cake to 160mm in diameter, sit it inside a 160mm ring and
place into the freezer.
- 75g caster sugar
- 55g liquid glucose
- 4g Maldon Sea Salt
- 20g water
- 50g unsalted skinless peanuts, roasted and
- roughly chopped
- 10g unsalted butter, softened
- 5g Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
- 2g bi-carbonate soda, sieved
- 125g Callebaut 823 Milk Couverture 33.6%
- spatula
- thermometer
- rolling pin
- Savour tempering bowl
Place the sugar, glucose, salt and water into a large saucepan
and bring to the boil over medium heat, stirring until the sugar
has dissolved. Add the peanuts and heat to 150°C while stirring
gently. Remove from the heat and immediately add the butter,
vanilla and sieved bi-carbonate soda. Stir to combine before
pouring onto a sheet of baking paper. Working quickly, place
a second sheet of baking paper on top and use a rolling pin to
spread the brittle into a thin layer. Allow to cool completely at
room temperature.
To temper the chocolate, place it into a microwave-safe plastic
bowl and heat in 30 second increments, stirring in between.
Once you have 50% solids and 50% liquid, stir vigorously until
the solids have completely melted. Spread half of the tempered
chocolate over the surface of the brittle and allow to set at room temperature. Flip the brittle and repeat with the remaining tem-
pered chocolate. Once set, roughly chop into small pieces.
- 165g full cream milk
- 1g Maldon Sea Salt
- 5g Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
- 35g caster sugar
- 10g custard powder or corn starch
- 75g egg yolks
- 100g unsalted butter, chopped
- 90g peanut brittle, from above
- whisk
- spatula
- small angled palette knife
Place the milk, salt and vanilla in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, combine the sugar and custard powder in a bowl, then add the egg yolks and whisk by hand to combine. Pour the boiled milk over the egg mixture while whisking. Transfer the mixture back into the saucepan and bring to the boil over medium heat while whisking. Continue to heat and whisk for a further minute before transferring into a clean bowl. Gradually add the butter, a piece at a time, whisking to incorporate after each addition. Cover with plastic wrap touching the surface and allow to cool at room temperature before placing into the refrigerator for a minimum of 3 hours, or overnight. Add the peanut brittle and evenly divide over the 2 frozen chocolate cake discs. Use a small angled palette knife to spread the custard into an even, smooth layer then return to the freezer.
130g Bulla Thickened Cream
115g caster sugar
80g unsalted butter
50g liquid glucose
6g Maldon Sea Salt
4g gold gelatine sheets
small angled palette knife
Place the cream into a saucepan and bring to the boil. In an-
other saucepan, dry caramelise the sugar. Carefully add the hot cream to the caramel and stir to combine. Remove from the heat and add the butter, one piece at a time, whisking to incorporate. Lastly, add the glucose, salt and gelatine and mix to combine. Cover with plastic wrap touching the surface and allow to cool at room temperature. Once cooled, spread evenly over the vanilla brittle cream layer. Freeze for 2-3 hours, or until the caramel is
firm enough to handle, then prepare the bavaroise.
12g gold gelatine sheets
200g full cream milk
200g Bulla Thickened Cream (A)
5g Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
100g egg yolks
115g caster sugar
400g Bulla Thickened Cream (B), semi-whipped
disposable piping bag
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water. Combine the milk,
cream (A) and vanilla in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place
the egg yolks and sugar into a bowl and mix to combine. Pour
the boiled liquid over the egg mixture while whisking to combine.
Transfer the mixture back into the saucepan and stir over low
heat until it reaches 80°C. Strain the mixture into a clean bowl
then add the pre-soaked gelatine and mix to combine. Allow to
cool to 27°C before folding the semi-whipped cream through.
Transfer the bavaroise into a piping bag and assemble immedi-
65g peanut brittle, from above
disposable piping bag
2 x Silikomart Universo 1200 Silicon Mould
aluminium baking tray
medium angled palette knife
Pipe half of the bavaroise into each of the silicon moulds then
use the back of a spoon to push it up the sides of the mould.
Sprinkle the peanut brittle over the bavaroise before placing the
frozen insert, caramel side down, into the mould. Gently press
the insert down into the bavaroise so that the chocolate cake is
flush with the top of the mould. With an angled palette knife,
remove any excess bavaroise and place into the freezer to set.
cold water (A), for soaking the gelatine
23g gold gelatine sheets
125g water (B)
225g liquid glucose
225g caster sugar
225g Callebaut W2 White Chocolate 28%
160g sweetened condensed milk
90g neutral glaze
1 drop Bright White AmeriColor Gel Paste
1 drop Deep Pink AmeriColor Gel Paste
12 Callebaut W2 White Chocolate Callets 28%
stick blender
large angled palette knife
paring knife
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water (A). Place the water
(B), glucose and sugar into a saucepan and bring to 103°C.
Remove from the heat and add the pre-soaked gelatine. Pour
the hot mixture over the chocolate and emulsify. Add the con-
densed milk and neutral glaze. Lastly, add the white and pink
colour gels and emulsify. Allow to cool.
Heat the glaze to 35°C and emulsify with a stick blender. Po-
sition 6 chocolate callets on top of the frozen entremets, these
will hold up the petals when garnishing. Pour the glaze over the
entremets and use a palette knife to remove any excess glaze
from the top. Once the glaze stops dripping, use a sharp knife
to trim the excess glaze from the bottom and place onto the
prepared flower sable base.
200g Callebaut W2 White Chocolate 28%
1g white oil-soluble colour powder
1g pink oil-soluble colour powder
food processor
thin, flexible plastic sheet
Place the white chocolate, white and pink colour powders into
the food processor. Blitz until it forms a fine crumb then contin-
ue until if forms a dough. Using a thin, flexible plastic sheet, roll
small amounts of the chocolate dough on the bench to form thin
stamens. Set aside until required.
400g Callebaut Velvet White Chocolate 32%
3g titanium dioxide
water balloons
wire cooling rack
Savour tempering bowl
disposable piping bag
CW1847 Lens Chocolate Mould
large metal scraper
pastry brush
aluminium baking tray
To temper the chocolate, place it into a microwave-safe plastic
bowl and heat in 30 second increments, stirring in between.
Once you have 50% solids and 50% liquid, stir vigorously until
the solids have completely melted. Add the titanium dioxide and
Transfer some of the tempered chocolate into a piping bag and
fill 4 cavities of the mould CW1847 Lens Chocolate Mould.
Tap the mould on the surface of your workbench to dislodge
any air bubbles. Turn the mould upside down over a sheet of
baking paper and tap the side of the mould with the handle of a
metal scraper. Scrape the surface clean while holding the mould
upside down. Place the mould on its side and allow to set at
room temperature.
Unmould the chocolates and use a warm tray to gently heat
the edges of the chocolate then join them together, creating
2 three-dimensional lenses. Brush one side of each lens with
chocolate to create a textured surface.
Fill 12 water balloons with water and tie the ends, ensuring
there is no water on the outside of the balloons. Suspend a wire
rack between 2 heavy objects approximately 150mm above your
workbench. Dip one side of the balloon, lengthways, into the
tempered chocolate then tie it to the rack, allowing the excess
chocolate to drip off and form a point. Repeat with the remaining
balloons and allow to set. Remove the chocolate petals from the
balloons. Using a brush, brush some white chocolate inside the
petal, at the opposite end to the point, fading the texture into the
centre of the petal.
Retemper the chocolate as required.
Sit 6 petals on top of each glazed entremet, propping them up on the white chocolate callets. Place the chocolate lens, texture side up, in the centre of the petals. Arrange the pink chocolate stamens around the lens.
The finished product can sit at room temperature for approximately 1 hour.
Store the finished product in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
The product can be frozen for up to 3 months prior to glazing. Defrost in the refrigerator overnight.
- aluminium baking tray
- Bright White AmeriColor Gel Paste
- Callebaut Cocoa Powder
- Callebaut Velvet White Chocolate 32%
- Callebaut W2 White Chocolate 28%
- Callebaut 823 Milk Couverture 33.6%
- CW1847 Lens Chocolate Mould
- Deep Pink AmeriColor Gel Paste
- disposable piping bag
- entremet rings, 160mm D x 45mm H
- entremet rings, 180mm D x 45mm H
- gold gelatine sheet
- Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
- large angled palette knife
- large metal scraper
- medium angled palette knife
- neutral glaze
- rolling pin
- paring knife
- pastry brush
- perforated baking tray
- pink oil-soluble colour powder
- rolling pin
- Savour tempering bowl
- sieve
- Silikomart Universo 1200 Silicon Mould
- Silpain Baking Mat
- small angled palette knife
- spatula
- thermometer
- titanium dioxide
- wire cooling rack
- whisk
- white oil-soluble colour powder
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